White Jeans // Top

Hi. Welcome to Market and Modish. I'm so glad your here. The idea of Market & Modish has been swirling around in my head for quite some time now. I have been bouncing ideas off of a few girlfriends, my husband and gathering insight from other bloggers for months. Their patience and encouragement has been incredible, as they have all said things like, "you only live once," "there is no time like the present," and "if you don't try, how will you ever know." So thank you for all your advice. I've made the leap and am trying to not look back.

Over the past several months, Market and Modish has had many names, but this is what I settled on. I lived on Market Street in college in Iowa City, IA (Go Hawks!) and Modish means all things trendy, current, and fashionable- so just like that, Market and Modish was born. So, I invite you to join me on this ever evolving journey of mine- I mean, YOLO, right?




Jumping for Jumpsuits


Team Optimist