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The Story of Sweeties Dough

My name is Annie, and I’m making the best cookie + pie dough you can get your hands on. Making baked goods for a living is something I've talked about for years and I decided it was finally time to put myself out there and go for it. My life shifted very unexpectedly at the end of 2020 with the unexpected loss of my Dad and my grandmother, and I decided after that, life is fleeting and we do not get a re-do. A little voice in my head (my Dad's) reminded me to not be afraid to fail so Sweeties was born and apparently we are all here for it


I live in Denver, CO. I am married to a super supportive guy named Andy (aka The Hubs) – we are the raggedy dolls! Thank goodness we have some of the greatest friends, otherwise we would have never met. We have two kids, Kenny and Matilda, they are total opposites and keep our home hoppin. Kenny is sweet and caring and Mattie is fierce and silly. We also have a beloved chocolate lab, Ruby, who is our family mascot and does not know the definition of personal space - she often thinks she’s a lap dog. We are all so lucky to have each other.


During the day, I work as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and help kids and their parents live a healthy (and hopefully happy) life. I have been in the nursing profession for almost 15 years and enjoy helping people, especially kids. They have a strong will to live and to persevere – it’s quite motivating. Outside of my day job, I LOVE making cookies. Seriously, I love it. My specialty are gourmet chocolate chip cookies, but to be honest, I’ve never met a cookie I didn’t like, except ones with nuts. I do not like baked goods with nuts, and if you do, we can still be friends, but I felt that was something you needed to know about me.

Thanks for visiting, keep in touch, and let me know if you need some amazing cookie dough in your life.

XO. Annie