Team Optimist

T-Shirt (JCrew Factory but sold out) // Jeans

Hi there! My name is Annie and I'm the gal behind Market & Modish. I love a perfect outfit, but think it's ludicrous to spend a fortune on every piece of clothing. I'm a rule follower, but also know there are 50+ shades of grey. I love a good book, but I am not well read at all. I'm fond of an adventure, but typically have to be forcibly pushed passed my comfort zone. I am a small town girl, but I live in the heart of Denver, CO. I would describe myself as a realist, but a recent life change has me wanting to be more of an optimist.

This past May I abruptly resigned from my job for reasons that are too complicated to talk about on post #1 (we need some time to get to know each other, huh?). The quick resignation left me feeling empty, sad, and distrusting of humanity. I have taken this Summer to gain perspective, hang with my kids (my biggest fans), spend time with family, and figure out what it is that fills my cup. I've had a big life push, if you will, and I am choosing to be optimistic about what lies ahead for me, including this new endeavor. I've been repeatedly reminded that when one door closes in life, many windows open - Market & Modish, being one of them.

I hope you enjoy this positive and optimistic space as much as I have enjoyed creating it. It's been a labor of love, a learning experience, and it makes me uncomfortable daily, but isn't that when we learn the most? I certainly think so. Come on, join me on Team Optimist - I can't promise it will be straight-forward and predictable, but I can promise it will be interesting, thoughtful, and humorous with a twist on fashion, mom/kid life, and adventure.


