The End Of Summer


When Kenny was a tiny baby I was feeding and rocking him in the middle of the night and instead of buying pointless things on Amazon, I stumbled across this article on Facebook titled “You Only Get 18 Summers!” I’m sure many of you have read it or at least seen it, and at the time, I hadn’t even had one Summer with him and was in desperate need of a full nights sleep. Fast forward 6 fast years and 6 of his Summers and 4 of Mattie’s Summers are in the books. My oldest brother’s kids left for college the other day. Yes you read that right. And I remember over hearing someone say when your kids hit grade school, time speeds up even faster. So here I am in a tornado of time and never ever has the saying “the days are long, but the years are short” rang more true.

I honestly do not know where time goes, but I have made a vow to myself I’m not going to waste the time we have. And that was true for this Summer: we swam, we saw family in both Michigan and Iowa, we spent some time up in the mountains, we rode our bikes, we had many of slow mornings in jammies, we ate our fair share of ice cream, we hung out on our patio, Kenny went to a handful of camps and both of the kids bedtime extended a little later each night. ;)

As I write this today and think about this Summer coming to a close, I can’t help but be a little sad. These two little loves of mine are at such fun ages and are starting to enjoy really fun stuff (see above). I’m sad to see these days fly by but so happy to see them grow, learn and be excited to head back to school. I don’t write this to make anyone sad, but more so as a reminder to enjoy the moment and try and celebrate the wins of each day.

I hope you’ve all had a sweet sweet Summer!





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