
There is something about Fall that brings so much nostalgia to the table. Crunchy leaves, fresh back apple pies, warm days, cool nights and mornings, football playing on the TV as background noise, savory food, pumpkin spiced everything and the best season for outdoor living. Clearly doing what I do, fresh baked pies are at the top of the list. (And Shipyard pumpkin beer is a close second - just sayin)

This time of year as we gear up for all the hosting, baking and cooking, I often think of my Grandma Matilda - my daughter Matilda’s (Mattie) namesake. My Gram and I would bake and cook a lot together on the Saturdays I spent with her - chocolate chip cookies, pies, bars, homemade ice cream (OMG if I could bottle up her homemade ice cream!!), fresh bread, etc. You name it, she could bake it. Just recently my Aunt Maxine (my Dad’s oldest sister) sent me my Grandma’s wooden recipe box out of the blue - something I so vividly remember my grandma grabbing every time we went to make a recipe. I actually remember the exact cupboard and shelf that recipe box sat on. I quickly opened the recipe box and to my amazement, it was still organized just how I remembered: multiple categories including “Desserts,” “Cookies,” “Cakes,” “Breads,” “Pastry + Pies,” etc. There are other categories, but, let’s be real, the bulk of the real estate was taken up by all kinds of sweet treats. And as I continued to strum through all my Grandma’s hand written recipes (in beautiful cursive I might add), my husband actually was the one to say, “I’m not surprised that the most worn recipe cards are the ones under Desserts, Cookies, Pies, etc!” Neither was I. ;) One thing that did surprise me though, was how clean her recipe cards were - I must not be as tidy of a baker as she was. Ha.

Anyhow, the recipe box happened to arrive at the PERFECT time, because I was in the final stages of finalizing my ratios for my pie dough. Sometimes when you put things out in the world, the world answers tenfold. My grandma’s take on pie dough is the best EVER and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and as much as everyone else that taste tested it for me!

Happy Fall to you. I hope you spend the season enjoying all the cozy things. And if it’s pie dough you need, please consider using Matilda’s Pie Dough as it just dropped and is now ready for purchase! (baked pies available by special order via email marketandmodish@gmail.com).

xo. AFK


The Joy of Christmas Cookies


The End Of Summer