My Current Joys

Melissa Wood Health

I have struggled with chronic back pain sine I was a Senior in High School, and April it was at an all time high. I crashed my bike one night on a bike ride with my family (long story) and could barely walk. It took over 2 months to heal and during that time I found Melissa Wood Health. I love her pilates workouts, her quick ab flows and her 8 minute arms. I typically tack on the abs + arms after a little run or Peloton ride. Either way, her motto on fitness is currently aligning with mine and I think I’m hooked. My core and back have never been more grateful.

Spotify + Sonos Portable Speaker

I love music. But it is safe to say, I never know the hot new artists or the current songs that all the cool kids are listening to. Insert Spotify. I have found so many awesome playlists like this, this and this that keep me coming back time and time again. I feel current on my music choices and my runs and time in the kitchen never seem monotonous, because the music is always changing. Add Spotify to our portable Sonos speaker we recently received and we have had some pretty great patio nights at our house. Here is my Spotify account if you’d like peep my playlists and things I’m listening to.

Birkenstock Sandals

The older I get, the more comfortable items I buy. That goes for furniture, clothing, shoes, cars, etc. I’ve never really been a Birkenstock lover. For some reason I always thought they looked silly on my feet, but this Summer I caved and became a big fan of these Birks. My feet were hurting when I wore unsupportive flip flops and I found myself looking for a more structured sandal. Turns out, Birks are pretty darn comfortable.

The Olympics

Dang, I love a good competition, but I’m a total sucker when you add in emotional pulls, gut wrenching stories and athletes that have given so much for 5 years to compete. This Olympics, especially this year, have been a games like no other - some obvious reasons like masking, etc, but some very unexpected reasons - like Simone Biles single handedly telling the world mental health MATTERS!! I’ve also enjoyed the world coming together and uniting in a way that has felt pretty foreign for a really long time. So I guess you could say, I came for the Swimming (holy cow Caleb Dressel), but I’ve stayed for the inspiration. Go Team U.S.A!!!!!

The Iowa Nice Mentality

I’ve been home this week and I’ve been reminded on a handful of occasions that people are here are just genuinely nice. I needed help designing a space in our home and my mom’s interior designer was more than willing to jump in and assist and she even mentioned she’d be in CO next week and would come do an in person visit if it worked in her schedule. Like while she’s on vacation! WHAT?? And I was having trouble with a lingering eye infection that I couldn’t shake and our local Ophthalmologist fit me in and did my exam and visit for FREE!! I mean seriously, who does that in this day and age? It’s just a reminder that it’s NICE to be important, but more important to be NICE!

JCrew Swimsuit

We joined a local pool this Summer in Denver and it turned out to be one of the best decisions we’ve made to date. That being said, I really needed to up my swim wear. I purchased this swimsuit in black prior to going to Michigan for the 4th of July and quickly ordered the same swimsuit in navy when we got back. It’s so good and so flattering. Just a little edgy to feel current, but covers all the things and checks all the mom boxes! ;). Typically if I find something I like, I go all in. If it’s not broke, why fix it?


The End Of Summer


Father’s Day - A bitterSWEET Day