Tuesday Tip #1

Lululemon Tank // Athleta Sports Bra // Lululemon Pants

The wildflowers were INSANE!

Who is sad to see Summer go? I can honestly say I am and I am not. This Summer has been a challenging one due to resigning from my job at the end of May. Those kind of decisions make you question and second guess all things in life. They rattle you to your core and make you wonder who are. I had many days where I missed talking to adults and interacting with patients, which was my favorite part of my old job. And on the other hand, I had many days where I was over joyed to be home and sharing these special moments in time with my kids, rather than them being with a nanny. I was thrilled to see Kenny progress from barely jumping off the side of the pool to running and jumping off the side of the pool without hesitation (Kenny even jumped off the side of his Mimi and Papa's boat this Summer too). And it has been so fun to witness Matilda's vocabulary explosion. Every day she has had new words or new phrases. I wish they were all appropriate, but you can't win 'em all. :) So I guess from a personal standpoint, I'm happy to kind of move on to a different "season", but I will greatly miss these slower paced days filled with memories that I hope to never forget.


With all these changes and new experiences, my first Tuesday Tip is to “look up!" Put your phone (computer, iPad, tablet, etc) down and look up. Look up at your kids, look up at your spouse or significant other, look up at the beautiful city you live in, look up at the sky and admire the clouds, look up at your neighbor, and look up at your friends. I recently had this "look up" thought when Andy and I were hiking this past Saturday, and I thought I would share it with you all. We stopped many times just to admire the free beauty of the state we live in. Many people say, that Colorado is "God's Country," and I tend to agree. I am consistently blown away by its beauty. But I would miss it all, if I didn't look up, just like I would have missed all the little moments this Summer if I hadn't looked up at my kids. I know it seems like trivial advice and, likely, advice you have already been given, but I think it's worth the reminder. So Tuesday Tip #1: Look Up!" Simple. As. That. (If nothing else, looking up is good for your posture from time to time!)




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