Summertime Blues

Who was ready for Summer to end and school to start? Ummm if you had trouble answering both of those questions with the same answer, you are not alone. I was a big “N-O” to Summer ending, but after the last week of Summer, I was a H*LL Y-E-S to school starting. I just love the living of Summer though- jammies until 10am, the warm Summer breeze, days at the pool, dining al fresco, less rigid bedtimes, etc. Honestly, I’m here for all of it and mourn the ending every single year. It’s something about the kids getting older, a closing of another season (literally and figuratively), and the beginning of something new that makes them seem older, wiser and more mature. I firmly believe we should raise our kids to leave our homes, but dang it seems a little closer with the start of every school year, dontcha think? It kinda gives me the Summertime blues.

I’m definitely not sad all Summer. I really only get a little sappy the last week or so. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because we are all surviving the last few days together (HAHA) or if it’s really that I feel the kids ever so slowly slipping away. Probably a little bit of both, but dang no one warns you about how sneaky the start of each school year will be. I also think we try to maximize the 10 weeks the kids have off and I hate to see the fun end. We spent some time with family and friends, we took a little trip to the mountains, the kids lived at our pool during the month of June, and we spent many evenings walking our neighborhood while the kids scooted around. There really is something about the true magic of Summer.

So you’re probably wondering, why I was a H*LL Y-E-S to school starting? Well, in the midst of the magic, there is chaos, fighting amongst the kids, endless snacking, endless messes, mountains of laundry, and hundreds of half drank Gatorade bottles all over my house. I do enjoy a routine and Summer does feel less routiney than during the school year. I would say the pros of Summer definitely outweigh the cons, but at some point all good things have to come to an end. I’m telling you what, I cry every year on the first day of school (this year included), but when I entered my quiet house after drop off and was reminded the house will stay as is all day long, my tears faded and life as we know it carried on.

There is something very real about the Summertime blues, but there is also something very special about watching your kids grow up. Thankful for the time and all the experiences.

xx. AFK


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