Summer Bucket List

Summer! It has arrived and I’m here for it. I was so ready for a break in the dropping off, making lunches, racing out the door, etc, etc. I realize how lucky I am when I say this, but while the kids were babies and really through most of preschool we had a nanny so someone came to our home every day and we typically did not have to cart the kids all over. It was lovely. So with that said, I welcomed the break in routine and strict timing of the morning schedule. Anyhow, I digress and back to S U M M E R! It’s just so lovely to spend days at the pool, the kids are taking tennis and swim lessons, there have been lemonade stands popping up throughout our neighborhood, and the evening bike + scooter rides are back for the foreseeable future and man is it nice.

When I got home from work the other day, the kids were making a list - both were thinking of ideas and my oldest was diligently writing out each idea down with perfect penmanship. When I inquired about what was going on, he said “We are making a bucket list for Summer. That way we have a list to reference if we need ideas of things to do!” The list was full of the zoo, the museum, swim as much as possible, eat popsicles outside, the aquarium, etc. It made me smile to think how fun it will be to cross off the items we accomplish and I look forward to making those memories with them as well. With that said, it made me think about my own Summer bucket list. Like why do kids only get to make a bucket list? So, the wheels obviously started turning and I have been thinking about what my dreamy Summer would look like.

  1. Travel + make the memories - we have a few trips on the books and I am so excited

  2. Go to the pool - my hope is the kids are completely comfortable in the water and are water safe by the end of Summer (Kenny can swim; I’m mostly referring to Mattie)

  3. Create a Lemonade stand - so many little homemade lemonade stands have been popping up around the neighborhood and I think the kids would love it. AND can you imagine lemonade + Sweeties cookies on a warm Summer afternoon? Sign.Me.UP

  4. Read a book - I’m not a huge reader but whenever I finish a book, it makes me so excited and I always learn something and am inspired somehow

  5. Fine tune my thoughts for Q4 for Sweeties - thinking holidays, pies over Thanksgiving, offering bulk catering for holiday events, etc

  6. Enjoy time with my kiddos - they are at such fun ages and time seems to be going at warp speed, so I want to savor the moments I can

  7. Go on as many bike rides as possible

  8. Eat ice cream cones

  9. Continue our evening walks + scooter rides

  10. Dine and happy hour alfresco - we just finished a big patio/backyard renovation and it feels good to finally take full advantage of our little oasis

So I think that’s it. If I list too many things, I won’t get them all accomplished, which will inevitably bum me out. Ha. But, if half of these are accomplished by August, I will be a happy lady. I’m wishing you and yours a very slow, memory filled, easy living kind of Summer. And if you have any must add items to my 2022 Summer Bucket List, let me know!



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