My Sweet Support System

Over the last month or so, many of you have seen my Instagram transition a bit, I had my website redone and I obviously started selling cookie dough. Exciting stuff, huh? With all those changes, I bet I’ve been asked 100 times how I do it all. All being my day job, my family, my new adventure with Sweeties, and everything else that comes with day to day life (laundry, groceries, cooking, cleaning, etc). Many people have wondered how I get it all done and here is my answer: I DON’T! I don’t do everything, because there is no possible way I could do it all. Luckily for me I have a pretty sweet support system.

First of all, I married the most supportive person on planet Earth and I mean that with every bone in my body. The hubs has been behind me every step of way. He actually had the idea of vacuum sealed cookie dough and really encouraged me to run with it. And while I’ve been “running,” he has supported me every day since. I’ve had moments of sheer panic and he has believed in me when I didn’t necessarily believe in myself. He has never let down that belief and has helped me conquer a huge goal/dream. He never wavers, he entertains all my crazy questions related to business (much of which I do not know), and he hops out of bed most mornings to happily seal the cookies I mixed the night before. Not only that, he is the absolute best Dad a Mom could ask for. He is present and active in our kids’ lives and truth be told, we would not eat half as healthily as we do every single day if it were not for him. I honestly think I got lucky when I look back at my 27 year old self meeting Andy. Perhaps I did, but what I would say now is, “don’t marry a dud!” You will be so much better off if you’re patient and wait for the right partner.

I also have an incredibly supportive family. They are encouraging and positive and have cheered me on since they heard about this idea back at Christmas time. Never once did they mention the possibility of failure. They were probably more excited for me than I was myself. On launch day, I was scared out of my mind. It felt like throwing a party and thinking no one would show up. Ha. But once I sent the link to my brothers, they flooded my inbox with nothing but support and genuine excitement for me. And my oldest brother placed one of the biggest orders that first day and he actually was my first “repeat” customer. ;) I truly feel really lucky to have people on all sides that really want me to succeed.

And I would not be able to do anything or accomplish half as much as I do without our incredible nanny. I swear our nanny is the nucleus that holds our entire family together. She allows Andy and I to work and achieve and accomplish goals and dreams. She is reliable and cares for our kids in ways we do not. Many nights at dinner, my daughter, especially, will say her favorite part of the day is playing with Ms. Patty., She is an added bonus to our family and we all genuinely love her, and we treat her as such.

Outside of those mentioned above, I have an incredible group of girlfriends. Like the type that build you up vs tear you down. They have cheered me on and seen me travel many peaks and valleys, but have remained the same consistent and supportive women that they are. They are funny, honest, thoughtful and wicked smart, so I lean on them heavily for advice and I really cherish their friendship.

I think the moral of the story is, this myth that women have to do it all is ridiculous. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s even better when you have a tribe you can count on, such as a solid partner, family, friends and others who make your life pretty sweet. I know I’m pretty lucky to have the SWEETEST support system around!




The Sweet Spot of Marriage


The Start of Something Sweet