Finding Your "Why"


If you remember, about a year ago I was unemployed and launched this blog. My unemployment came after a fury of events that were a little messy and complicated but lead to an unexpected 7 months at home with my kids figuring out my next steps in life. It wasn't something I had planned nor was it something I even ever considered. But there I was, unemployed from a career I had put so much in to and two kids in tow that looked at me every day for a new activity to do and constant guidance. Listen, at that point, I was more equipped to be a full time nurse than a full time stay at home mom. My kids pushed me every day, testing my patience, my fortitude and my ability to let go of something I had known for nearly 13 years.

It took me all of about 32 seconds to realize I could not stay home full time. I like being home, I like having a couple days of the week with the kids, but I knew I needed something for "me." I had talked to myself and my friend Lindsay at length about starting a blog. Lindsay connected me to my friend Shannon from House Of Shan and the rest is really history. Here we are today. But I would not have made it to this point without doing some serious soul searching and being pushed by AK to figure out what it is I truly enjoy and what makes me tick day after day. I made lists, I read books (thank you Brene Brown), I listened to podcasts and I did a lot of thinking. I questioned if I would ever go back to nursing at all. I actually had said "no" until about September of last year.

All my lists and all my notes from reading and listening had kind of lead me to one common theme - I like helping people. I like helping people feel better. I like helping empower new parents to take care of their brand new little ones. I like helping people discover new jeans that make them feel like a million bucks. I like recommending places to go and things to do and hearing that my recommendations were great. I like seeing kids make miraculous recoveries from varying illnesses and injuries. I like helping people find comfortable shoes or pajamas that offer the ultimate best nights sleep. So the moral of the story is, I like helping people with all kinds inquiries and problems and how lucky am I to have had the opportunity to have a day job that offers such crucial help to people that need it most and a hobby that helps women find what they need and are looking for.

So I guess I'm proud to say Market & Modish has turned one this Summer, which makes me happy, and I landed a day job that started in January of this year that also makes me happy (and pays a few bills...which makes AK happy :) ). And this is a gentle reminder that when all the doors seem to be closing, sometimes even bigger doors with brighter paths are opening. You just have to be patient. If you're not, I'm convinced you won't find your "WHY, " or I wouldn't have at least.




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