Fall Accessories


Dress // Boots // Scarf // Hat


I'm a hat wearer. And I will wear any kind of hat. Baseball hat, sun hat, stocking hat, fashion hat - I do not discriminate. And I think hats have become ever so popular as this limited hair washing fad has taken over. I for one love only washing my hair a few times per week, but that is largely due to the fact that I enjoy wearing a hat. Hats are also a multi purpose fashion accessory - they can keep you warm, they can be used to purely elevate an outfit, they can protect your skin, they can aide in hiding you if that's what you're going for, and as mentioned, hats can stretch one more day of dirty hair if need be.

Women tend to wear lots of hats, no? Ha! And depending on the time of year, the style of hat can change. I had been looking high and low for my Fall/cool weather hats, but I think I have them. The Frye Company makes a mean hat. I have one of their woven hats from their Summer line and it is so comfortable and fits perfectly, so I'm inclined to think this one will too. And I recently was gifted this Sh*t That I Knit beanie and it's amazing and their mission is even more amazing. Both hats are worth every dollar and I'm looking forward to every opportunity to wear them. I've linked a few of my favorite hats below in case you are in need of one for any reason.











(camel sold out)


Do ya'll like scarves? I'm hit or miss. I go back and forth because I can't stand being hot, and I kind of think scarves get in the way when you're trying to do things, like your job, hosting a party, etc. My mom makes scarves look great, but I can't say that I do! I mean a scarf is absolutely necessary on a chilly day, but I cannot say I'm sold when it comes to wearing them as a fashion accessory. But with that said though, I do have a few favorites (for cold + fashion), which I'm linking below.

Now wraps and on the other hand, that's a different story. I love a good wrap and what I love more than a good wrap is the feeling of being cozy on a chilly fall day underneath a wrap. I also enjoy having the ability to remove my wrap and not feel like a major piece of my outfit/look is missing. A good wrap can be hard to find though as some are bulky, some require too much rearranging, and some can be a bit pricey. But once you find your wrap, you'll never look back. Check out my two favorite wraps that are linked below - the Lululemon Sherpa Wrap has snaps and I'm completely obsessed with it, just sayin.












I know socks are a funny thing to summarize in a post about Fall accessories, but trust me on this one, okay! Once Spring/Summer hits, I cannot wait to ditch my socks, bare my toes and keep things simple on my feet. But that time comes to an end when it's time to pull out the booties, mules, slides and footwear that may require a sneaky/specialty sock! I firmly believe certain socks can make or break shoe wear. For instance, my ski boots really only fit with a certain brand of socks and my new Frye booties can only be worn with a certain sock. Sometimes it's the fit and sometimes it's the style, but I'm telling you the right sock makes a difference. Of all the socks I love though, my bootie socks need to be mentioned - these Lululemon secret socks are the jam. You can wear them with any low level shoe/boot and they DO NOT MOVE. They seriously stay in place all day long. I'm not kidding, the world needs to know about these. And an extra pro tip: buy the 3 pack. You'll thank me, I know you will. My other favorite socks for tall boots, work outs, and skiing are all linked below.














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